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Platforms and Infrastructure: Inventing the Universe


This article is a continuation of my previous post about infrastructure and platforms. I want to start by using memory models as an analogy for a platform.

Memory Models

A memory model is a concept or guarantee about a processor's architecture. One of the common elements of a memory model is how it manages memory barriers, which are mechanisms responsible for guarantees associated with the visibility and order of tasks when sharing data.

Unfortunately, this wasn't a standardized concept. Systems manufacturers used different semantics. Coding in low or mid-level languages (Assembly, C/C++) puts the developers responsible for managing different semantics. On the other hand, languages like Java could abstract away the semantics into the JVM based on the guarantees outlined in the Java Memory Model.

The analogy is loose but deliberate. When coding in Java, there is a clear separation between code-level synchronization and the individual memory access semantics performed by the JVM. We must use specific keywords, structures, and techniques to inform the JVM how to proceed. Developers can move that code to JVMs that support different architectures without any necessary modification, even though the JVM may insert memory barriers in other locations or conventions across different systems.

In terms of architecture, this idealistic platform supports placement on different infrastructures.

At a higher level, many businesses offering software solutions have customers with prejudices in terms of technology. Some retail companies want their cloud expenditures to go to something other than Amazon, so they'd much rather do business with vendors like Microsoft or Google. Conversely, some industries fear vendor lock-in, so they prefer a multi-cloud approach. This path requires that their application be platform or infrastructure agnostic depending on the necessary depth of their tech stack.

A little history

This analogy provides a subtext for platforms and infrastructure's history and evolution. Development teams often used low-level languages to develop and deliver applications provisioned directly to hardware. Before cloud computing, consumers would install software applications on a laptop or desktop and business applications on servers.

Platform and infrastructure were the OS and the device, respectively. Development was easier for software applications that didn't require unique interaction with hardware or peripherals. The operating system provided all of the necessary abstraction. However, some businesses needed more horsepower, peripheral devices, or other non-standard capabilities. The OS sparingly offered capabilities for many of these extended requirements, leading to challenges for software providers.

Interestingly enough, the problem space for those businesses is very similar to the problems and challenges of embedded device manufacturers, IoT, robotics, mobile devices, and wearable technologies.

Testing is one of the most expansive challenges. Testing hardware is required to ensure that the software works. For consumer-level products, this became highly challenging because it meant testing most of the devices that would end up in the homes of the general public. Realistically, it isn't cost-effective for providers to test every device.

There are various solutions to the problem. Apple provides a white-box solution that is the same path many embedded device manufacturers take. A closed approach to hardware support offers a theoretically high bar for quality, despite limitations to freedom. Consumers can only have the hardware features provided by the hardware the provider designs.

Alternatively, device manufacturers often test Android (and its variants), providing their drivers and firmware to enable the platform to work with their hardware.

Another challenge is hiring. Infrastructure skill sets included FPGA programmers, electrical engineers, and computer engineers. At the platform level, we had systems-level engineers typically doing some form of low/mid-level coding. However, while these skill sets were emerging, they were often performed by the same personnel. Vendors separated responsibilities only once they scaled out to the point that it made sense.

With the onset of the web, businesses could reach more customers through fewer touch-points. Eventually, products became more complicated, requirements became more challenging, and demand required value to be delivered faster. More skill sets emerged. Whether or not the positions or skills were technology or product-facing became a triviality dependent upon the problem space of the specific business.

Reframing perspective on business problems

The simple cases

Some business problems are simple, similar to early software programs that only needed to interact with the operating system. In these scenarios, we can use PaaS offerings or construct our own with open-source or commercial software that solves the low-hanging fruit. Our use case is vague under these conditions, so we reduce costs and focus more on solving the business problem by making a buy decision.

Containerization provides a good example. Kubernetes continues to mature, and as such, it solves an increasing percentage of infrastructure problems. [In fact, the term "CaaS" has come to mean Containers-as-a-Service, which represents an ambiguous amalgam of platform and infrastructure that provides a third interesting circumstance to my previous article.] Kubernetes developers have made an incredible effort to provide good abstraction from infrastructure through projects like the CSI (Container Storage Interface) and CRI (Container Runtime Interface).

While this drives some candidates and recruiters wild due to an increased scope of responsibilities for similar job titles, these products are a boon to businesses trying to cut costs.

It is much less expensive to pay for an engineer to build Terraform manifests than for a larger team of engineers to write code that solves the same problems. Maintaining and updating those manifests is cheaper than maintaining and updating the code base. They're also more affordable to deliver.

There is a growing surface of opportunities. Innovation has reduced the proverbial mountain into a molehill. Using the CSI and CRI above as examples, infrastructure might amount to a few lines in a configuration file.

In many circumstances, external offerings solve the problems so efficiently that the business can manage its platform and infrastructure needs entirely through a small operations team.

The not-so-simple cases

The opposite extreme is when conventional tools don't solve our problems sufficiently. The result is the need to build complicated systems.

A great example of this is Google Spanner. (This is an excellent read by the way. If you're interested in "the other" paper, it is here: Calvin. It's too bad Google didn't name their report Hobbes). The power of the Spanner solution comes from the ability of Google to manage the in-house network infrastructure and have an exact observation of clock uncertainty (via the TrueTime API that exposes references to hardware clock).

While modern Spanner derivatives like YugaByteDB and CockroachDB offer similar semantics and overarching designs, they offer a different degree of fidelity than Spanner and, therefore, can't provide the same level of consistency.

Organizations have to staff entire organizations to commit to these efforts. Platform and infrastructure teams are almost always separate in such cases and tend to have further subdivisions specific to individual goals.

These can be complex technical problems to solve, and from the business perspective, they are costly. Many of these concerns are familiar. Testing, as mentioned earlier, presents a challenge. If we have to test and release software that isn't directly related to the business logic, it becomes a source of waste. Organizations should economize business-supporting efforts (such as infrastructure) as much as possible.

One of the most attractive benefits of making buy decisions is that the manufacturers of these solutions test their software and usually provide documentation on its performance characteristics. Naturally, there are risks we take that the testing is comprehensive enough to meet our needs, but that's part of the trade-off.

The in-between cases

Unfortunately, Kubernetes, like other solutions, is still evolving. It has yet to solve every problem. Even the solutions it has provided sometimes provide them in a manner that fails to meet the acceptance criteria for your business's problem space.

No solution is perfect, but there may be a happy medium. If Kubernetes gets us halfway there, that is still better than zero. If the work to close the gap is reasonable compared to the costs of using off-the-shelf software, then it is likely to provide a good foundation for solving the needs of the business.

The in-between is where most of us end up because there is a vast set of possibilities surrounding how pre-baked tools can solve or not solve our problems. Perhaps, the infrastructure could be abstracted entirely, but we must build a platform to make that a reality. Maybe a little more, maybe a little less.

In terms of building teams, scaling a company, and solving business problems, this is a more significant challenge than just solving for technology.

The challenges I've discussed only scratch the surface. As organizations navigate the trade-offs of various categories of platforms and infrastructure, it is wise to consider the advice of Carl Sagan -

"In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe."